R package to analyse Q methodology data
Would you like to send the author an enquiry about Q methodology? Read this first.If you are not familiar with R, there is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that can be used either online or offline. The online version does not require installation. The offline version requires installing R and the package first (see instructions below).
Note that the GUI offers only limited functionality from all what’s available using the full package (See ‘Technical notes’ in the GUI).
Install R and the package qmethod in your computer, following steps 2 and 3 in the Cookbook. This needs to be done only once.
Open R. Run the package and the GUI, by copying & pasting this code:
You might need to also install the shiny
package that provides the interface, e.g. install.packages("shiny")
Are you looking for the manual way of installing the GUI? (for qmethod
versions <1.8), see the old instructions here (deprecated).