
R package to analyse Q methodology data

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Graphical User Interface: install manually (deprecated after qmethod v1.8)

These were two ways to install the GUI in qmethod versions <1.8, before the GUI was integrated into the package. It’s left here for reference.

A. Run this script in R


The graphical interface will open in your web browser.

This code does the following: it creates a folder named qmethod-gui, downloads the two files for the visual interface (server.R and ui.R), installs the two R packages required for the visual interface (qmethod and shiny), loads the two packages, and finally runs the interface, which will open in your web browser.

Once installed, to run it again follow these steps:

B. Do the above steps manually

  1. Create a folder, e.g. qmethod-gui
  2. Download these two files in the above folder: server.R and ui.R
  3. Load the required library and run the application:

    Within quotations in runApp("qmethod-gui"), put the name of the folder created in step 1 (i.e. where you downloaded the files 'ui.R' and 'server.R'). This folder can take any name, e.g. "myqmethod-gui".